125 AMORA AVENUE,VENICE,Sarasota,Residential
$ 839,500
Beautiful ranch, located on Venice Island, close to everything. 3-bed Rooms, 2 baths, dining room, breakfast nook, living room, lanai, large swimming pool, enclosed pool cage, Solar heated + new electric pool heater, new hot water heater, new A/C & Heat pump, vaulted ceilings, 21 home sub all modern with HOA, only $590 per qtr. Must see to appreciate. Furnishings are negotiable for separate purchase if desired.
As an Investment property this is a good one. Rental income during peak season can command
$7,000+ monthly and you still get to enjoy your investment any other times.
Características y comodidades
Outdoor Details
Garage Attached
Other Features
Ceiling Fan(s)
Coffered Ceiling(s)
Convection Oven
Crown Molding
Eating Space In Kitchen
Electric Water Heater
Exhaust Fan
Has a View
Has Cooling System
Has Garage
Has Heating System
Has Pool
High Ceilings
Home Owners Association
Hurricane Shutters
Irrigation System
Kitchen/Family Room Combo
Open Floorplan
Rain Gutters
Range Hood
Sliding Doors
Vaulted Ceiling(s)
Walk-In Closet(s)
Window Treatments
Mapa de la propiedad
Descargo de responsabilidad
Property ID - | 335405
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©2024 Asociación San José. Reservados todos los derechos. Datos actualizados por última vez a las 2:58 p. m. UTC, 5/12/2023
©2024 Asociación San José. Reservados todos los derechos. Datos actualizados por última vez a las 2:58 p. m. UTC, 5/12/2023

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