5075 NE 97TH STREET ROAD,ANTHONY,Marion,Residential
$ 599,000
Owner says, I am motivated – let’s SELL IT NOW!! Great opportunity to get a 10+ ACRE property off of HIGHLY DESIRABLE Anthony/Burbank Rd! Gorgeous rolling property, dotted with Oak trees – includes a Center State built 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 2 car garage with over 2300 sqft living space. Horse paddock, fenced dog run area, storage shed, metal vehicle shelter, + more. This property has so much potential – turn it into a functioning mini FARM or your gorgeous SHOWPLACE home… with some cosmetics and updating easily transform this into your personal DREAM! This will be sold aggressively and quickly, so hurry to get your Penny’s worth from today’s real estate market before someone else does!
Características y comodidades
Outdoor Details
Garage Attached
Other Features
Built-in Features
Cathedral Ceiling(s)
Ceiling Fan(s)
Dog Run
Has Carport
Has Cooling System
Has Garage
Has Heating System
Living Room/Dining Room Combo
Walk-In Closet(s)
Mapa de la propiedad
Descargo de responsabilidad
Property ID - | 971702
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©2024 Asociación San José. Reservados todos los derechos. Datos actualizados por última vez a las 2:58 p. m. UTC, 5/12/2023
©2024 Asociación San José. Reservados todos los derechos. Datos actualizados por última vez a las 2:58 p. m. UTC, 5/12/2023

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